Friday, June 20, 2008

Dragonball Z burst Limit

The newest game in the Dragonball universe, on the Ps3 and Xbox360.

The game itself is mostly based on the Budokai Tenkaichi (Sparking) fighting engine, with tons of re-works. The anime 3d style is pretty good, and the small stories in the game work for it and against it. The graphics are beautiful and very detailed, and the first time online mode (for Sony and Xbox360) are great. I've put about 10 hrs on it, to complete and my friends about 15.

The game is a bit short starting at the Sayian Saga and ending at the Cell saga including, Bardock and Brolly. They're many fights and the cut scenes follow the anime to the point, but during the ending of the cut scene in which something interesting is suppose to just cuts out and you wonder why?! with everything they have why can't we see Vegeta finish off Nappa in the anime, and instead cut right before he gets blown up? They can't say because its to graphic, to bad for TV, cause its a game and you see 16's head crushed even for a second.

Scenes missing from the game include introduction of Trunks, he randomly appears in 2 fights but never explain why he is there, and skip alot of the great scenes like Goku's heart problem and Dr Gero, and focus alot on some useless fights like Recoome beating up every Z fighter before Goku appears.

The game deserves much praise, alot was missing but for them to develop the game for 360 and ps3 its to be expected that things had to be cut out, because if you do -s3 and 360 programming at the same time 360 has a disc limit of 9.6 gigs and ps3 goes up to 50 gigs at the moment, so once they fill up a 360 disc they are done and send it out to be burnt after making small changes.

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