Tuesday, June 24, 2008


While fighting the Sops and finding the truth of everything going on around me, enemies appear out of nowhere in an effort to take me out.

If you haven't guessed yet, im talking about Metal Gear Solid 4, or am I? lol
naw but I have been playing MGS4 on and off, during my days off, nights and whenever I can squeeze some gaming time of my crazy schedule. Act 5 is a pain, getting caught just means so many problems with me and its random, so there can be no full on tactic, just random luck. I'm hoping I can beat the game by the weekend if I have free time, because next week is Anime Expo, where I'll be your local Exhibit hall salesman, helping you find games, where I've been thinking I might take some of my rare items to make some side money and maybe make a loving game fan boy happy, I haven't decided yet, all I know is I want this year expo to be fun and different. Well ill be writing a review for Persona 3 Fes tommorow so look foward to it.

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